Sunday, August 7, 2011

I miss Robert Stack

Whenever I think about writing another post, I hear Robert Stack in my head. He's very serious, and he's o so dapper, and that one little word just repeats and repeats.


There's a lot of good news on this end. I've signed up for a 5k. My feet have stopped hurting. I'm starting to...dare I say it...enjoy biking. Don't tell anyone. And I'm continuing to lose weight. My personal goal for this week is to bike 40 miles, which is actually doable, because if I get on the stationary bike (bike actual never goes that far, mainly because of the frakking heat. I can't wait until Fall because there are some most excellent paths here), I'm generally on for 10 miles or more. If I can do 40, then next week, I'll up it.

I remember a time when Billy Blanks and I were like two peas in a pod. That is, if one of the peas was short and fat, and the other had a mouth on 'im like freaking Jaws. I tae-boed my little ass off. Okay, I skipped the cool-down, and I might have used the "Hey, I worked out today, so gimme some Ben and Jerrys" line a little too often. My relationship with Billy, and Gillian, Jack Lalaine (yeah, like you haven't juiced) and that P90x guy have all been very one sided. Much like my relationship to Robert Stack, actually.

A couple of months ago, I joined a site called Daily Mile. It's basically facetwitter for the athletically inclined. And the wanna-bes. And the "like me's". And this site is amazing. I'm tracking my workouts, and five minutes later, I get all kinds of feedback from people all over the country. If I don't post a workout for a few days, I get asked about it. Occasionally, well intentioned flack about it, too. I have a friend from Boston who has cycled over 150 miles this last week, and I'm jacked up for him, too. I'm sure there are a million sites like this online, (not to mention Weight Watchers) sites that thrive on peer feedback. But this is mine, and for the first time in months, I'm starting to feel really good about the changes I'm making. I'm not begrudging my trips to the gym anymore (especially during sharkweek!), and I'm really happy about that. I feel kind of invincible, and it's a groovy thing. The fact that it's all online makes it really easy, too. I know this update (Robert!) sounds a bit like a commercial, but I am no paid shill, ladies and gents. I'm just...happy with myself. I'm really coming along.

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