Friday, April 2, 2010

Run to the hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiills. Run for your liiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiife

I love Iron Maiden. They helped me get through my "run" yesterday, as a matter of fact.
I decided that since I can't afford a gym and don't own a car (and have no plans to buy one until I finish college), I'm going to take up running. And so, yesterday, I strapped on two sports bras, grabbed my Ipod, warmed up, and jogged to the end of the block.
And. Almost. Died.
By the time I got to the end of the block, I thought I was going to have to turn around and limp home. My calves were on fire (which REALLY pisses me off, because my calves are on "my" side. They're still fairly hardcore), and there didn't feel like there was enough air in the world to satisfy my lungs needs. I wanted to turn around and go home, and I could still see my apartment, so it wouldn't have been that far to go.
But, I pressed on. Not ready for an all out jog (an all out jog for me being about half a mile), I walked a block, jogged a block. I did cheat a little - I headed toward where the blocks were longer, but downhill so that it wasn't so much of a stretch, but I DID manage this for 1.5 miles (And yes, I am paying for it today. Fuck you, calves).
Iron Maiden, Rammstein, and the Beatles got me through, and I fought the urge that night to reward my run with a Reese cup. So, all in all, I call yesterday a success. Except for the part where I stepped out of the shower, and onto my belt, giving myself a blood blister on the ball of my foot. And there's a huge part of me thinking "Damn you, blood blister. Can't run today. Oh, shucks". And probably I won't approach my workout with the same level of harcorium that I did yesterday. But I WILL head out the door.
I read an article today about how all sorts of people say that they want to lose weight, but will then go to a neighbors superbowl party and scarf down nachos. The author implied that if nachos are a bigger priority to you then weight loss, then you're not ready to lose weight. G-d, I miss Reese cups. I especially miss those Reese Eggs that people have around Easter. But I can't make Reese eggs a priority.

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