Friday, June 8, 2012

Paint on my hands, a smile in my heart, and an ache in my hamstrings

Hey faithful friends! It is I, one of the Mcbloggers. It has been three weeks since implementing the plan, and so it's time for some feedback. As you know, I broke down my 13 week plan into weekly "bites". I was going to tackle one thing each week. Week 1 was intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is basically the idea that if you regulate when you eat, it serves your body better. Medical science is starting to back this up (in rats), and fitness gurus support it as well. In fact, all my life I've heard "Don't eat after 8. Ladies can't burn fat as well after 8". Well, what I'm doing is not so startlingly different - I eat now from 11am - 7pm and fast the rest of the time. I have water,and unsweetened tea, though, so it's not a complete fast. The goal of the rest period is not to get the hackles of my insulin receptors up. And let me tell you, I feel pretty good, I sleep well, I don't crave a sugar shot first thing in the morning anymore, either. Week 2. Week 2 was all about working out. I got to yoga three times a week, and added in some commute walking. The original plan was to start going back to the gym but that'll be difficult til W get's out for the summer. What I'm really digging though, and the one thing I thought I'd have a crazy hard time with,is the idea of the "active recovery day". These are days that I don't specifically set out to work out,but maybe I'll hike a little, or take a stroll, or play frisbee in the park. This week, while my show is in tech week, I've been squatting, stretching, and lifting set pieces to paint them. I am covered in paint, I'm exhausted (I've had about 6 hours of sleep in the past two days), and my legs hurt. Yay for THAT! There is not one day this week that finds me sitting on my ass the entire day. And I'm completely fine with that. Week 3 was supposed to be a meditation day, but honestly, I'm not ready to move from fasting and working out yet. So I pushed off a week, and will start meditating again, 10 minutes of sitting a day, on Sunday. Things are otherwise good. I'm down 3 lbs this month (!), my best friend graduated, and my show is going up. I had what I think was a good audition last week, and I get to spend all next week with my sibs. And their pool, stocked fridge, and better cable package. A good way to start summer, I think!

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