Friday, April 13, 2012

I reek of Tiger Balm

This week, I have covered my arm in Tiger Balm because of a muscle injury.
Did I injure myself lifting more weights? Doing yoga? Saving kittens from a tree? Something awesome?

No. I did not.

Fucking. Bowling.

I twisted my elbow bowling.

Now I'm getting shooting pains in my elbow. I can't support myself, so no weight lifting, no yoga, no frisbee or arm being immobile effectively nixed all of my favorite sports activities this week, and I have rarely been more frustrated with my body.

The upshot is that, while I haven't worked out much, my diet has sped along this week. Pesach forced me to cut out cookies, white bread, soda, etc, so I've eaten my weight in veggies. My cupcake cravings haven't subsided, but they're MUCH more manageable then they were at the beginning of the week, when I was headachy and grouchy.

I was surprised that I had such a visceral reaction to my lack of sweet stuff. I didn't think I was that sugar dependent. I went through a withdrawal period of a few days though, snapping and feeling ill, and being miserable. I'm torn between allowing myself a post Pesach celebratory cookie...and continuing to stay off the stuff. Because I'm still not sure I can stop at just one. I am still the girl who once ate an entire box of Thin Mints.

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