Friday, April 6, 2012

Right here and now, Jacky!

I had a fitnissy week (yes, I know it's not a word, just go with it), and it's inspired me to updates. Also, the only things that aren't sore today are my hands, so I might as well put them to work.

Wednesday, I went bowling...which I didn't think was giving me much of a workout, until I woke up with forearm pain - I DID do it for three hours straight...and I wasn't scarfing down bad bowling alley pizza.
Here's a question. If someone bowling next to you orders pizza, and leaves half of it on the table when the leave the it totally gross to want to take it and eat it? I was watching. They didn't spit in it or anything. That pizza was perfectly good!! I'm sure W wouldn't have appreciated my pizza pilfering though, so I left it.

Thursday, yesterday, I went to the gym. W has been on me about getting back into weight lifting (I PICK THINGS UP AND PUT THEM DOWN!), and so I did a 5xx5 shoulder press at 55lbs, a 1x5 deadlift at 95, and worked on my squat form. I used the rowing machine to warm up. The rowing machine - is that hell on a track, or what? I was on that damned thing for ten minutes, and I thought I was going to die. Although I did stare at my legs for ten minutes, and that was nice, in a completely conceited way. Parts of me are quite tubby, but I've got great legs.
Anyway, after the gym, we picked up T and headed to Soldier's Delight for a 2.5 hike. If you've never hiked SD before, you should. The Serpentine trail is great, full of hills, and scenic. I like to imagine that I'm walking across America. I start in the tree heavy south east, near the mountains. I move downward, onto the prairie, toward the plains, and end up back again in Northern California.

Full disclosure here. What I really do is pretend I'm Jack Sawyer, walking across America, going to retrieve the Talisman. I'll give you a minute to google that.

I was so exhausted by my "day of health", that I skipped yoga, but I DID go this morning. Lots of stretching sore muscles. An ex-boyfriend told me once that if you continue to use your muscles while they're hurting, they'll hurt less. I did not find this to be entirely inaccurate, actually. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought that was a load of crap, but apparently not.

I'm down seven lbs since the last time I posted, which was a few months ago. That's not SO bad, but I could have done better. On the weeks when I lose, I stand on the scale and think "I CANNOT keep up with this level of activity". I do, though. I'm outside a lot more, and I'm starting to feel the benefits. I can run up a hill without panting. I can play frisbee for an hour without wishing for death. When my muscles hurt, I think "Man, I didn't know I had muscles there! I wonder what they're called! That's neat!" (and then I take an aspirin).

I could get used to this. I mean, I'd better get used to this,'s starting to not be so hard.


PS - If you have five minutes, please read this blog post. Even if you don't read mine, read this one. It's important.

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